Monday, December 10, 2012

Thansgiving 2012

Nov.  20, 2012
I guess I should get back to some random blog thoughts.  Here’s one, I only know one person who would say they are deathly afraid of paper-cuts.  I think that’s strange because I do not believe paper-cuts to be deadly.
I am thankful this year because I know where I am & I know where I’ll be.  Last year I was at Lakeside over the holidays & it was pretty tough not knowing exactly what my future was going to be.  At least now I know.

Nov. 22, 2012
Got to see Daddy this morning.  I didn’t tell him, but I thought it was a better Thanksgiving visit than the one last year.  They’ll be a bit dreary for the next few years, but hopefully I will be out of here in 6 years.  Praying.

Nov. 24, 2012
There are some pretty good football games on today.  I’m trying to figure out a way that Notre Dame & USC can both lose that game.  I guess I would rather Notre Dame lose to Alabama in the National Championship game as I would them lose today to Kiffin.  And I don’t consider it a moral victory that UT beat Kentucky.  I think I’m just going to cheer for Duke in all sports now, that way I’ll never be disappointed with a .500 football season.

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