Sunday, December 16, 2012

November/December 2012

Nov. 24, 2012
You have not experienced the pain of trying to stifle a laugh, until the lady in front of you at church (both to remain nameless) sneeze-farts during the benediction.  I can’t remember what the message was about that day, but I do remember she was acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  But we knew.  We still know.

Nov. 26, 2012
Just a quick word to everyone who assembled in Wetumpka last week.  I love you all and miss you all.  I know I could have called, but I just couldn’t make myself do it.  I knew ya’ll were there and I knew I wasn’t.  Calling would have made it seem like I was missing something.  I just wanted it to be a normal day.

Nov, 27, 2012
For the past few weeks I have felt like I’ve had an ingrown toenail, but it has also kinda sorta felt like a jammed big toe.  Today I overheard a conversation about how many people in prison have gout & that made me not so happy.  I know how much pain (and ridicule from me) Tony went thru with gout.  I hope to get a medical visit soon to verify, but not looking forward to bad news.

Nov. 29, 2012
Really looking forward to the spring-like weather we are supposed to have the next few days.  I know it’s unseasonable and global warming and all that crap, but can’t a guy enjoy a 70 degree day in December anymore without being judged?

Dec. 1, 2012
If you are ever in the position to help someone decide on what kind of dog to select, and one of their choices happens to be a wiener dog, and in your opinion you feel that they should in fact choose said wiener dog, then may I suggest at that time you should sing, “Yippee Kiyay….. Get a long, little doggie.”  This would also work when ordering hot-dogs in regular or foot-longs.  Just a little play on words humor that I thought up while lying in bed this morning.

I wasn’t sure who to cheer for during the Alabama/Georgia game today.  But I did know whichever one of them won would have my full support when they face Notre Dame.  Congrats to Meek for a perfect regular season, but man I hope Alabama beats them by 50.  

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