Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mid September 2013

Could you somehow “smoke” mustard seeds and then grind them with other stuff to make smoky mustard? Or would you just take some form of mustard and other stuff and add some liquid smoke?  One day I will find out.  And I will put it on a sandwich.   
And I will eat the sandwich. And it won’t be bologna.
According to my latest Men’s Health issue and my ultra-sensitive olfactory system, I can say that the cologne 1 million passes my sniff test and if I was out there amongst you in the real world, that’s what I would be smelling like.  That stuff smells good.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Early September 2013

Enjoy. Today you should try to do things with your opposite hand.  If you’re right handed, brush your teeth with your left hand.  It’s pretty difficult if you’ve never tried it.  You never know when you might get an injury or ailment that requires you to have to “live” with your opposite hand.  I was in the 6th grade when I first had to learn to utilize my left hand due to an unfortunate incident involving my right hand and TJ Maybury’s face.  It resulted in my having to wear a cast to receive the yearly Citizenship Award of which I had already been selected to receive prior to the “incident”.  It made me learn to be ambidextrous and that’s always been something fun to try to maintain.  Give it a shot.  Oh, and remember, “We don’t hit our friends.”

Today’s tune is “Guitar Man” by Bread.  I can thank my dad and mom too, I suppose for introducing me to Bread so many years ago.  “Guitar Man” is one of my favorites by then, with its smooth mellowness. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Late August 2013

So, 50 years ago we were able to put people on the moon.  How is it that we have become so advanced, yet no one has invented a corn flake that isn’t soggy before you finish a bowl?  I feel like that needs some sort of hash tag, but since I’m not 100% sure what that even is (another advancement I’m sure).  I’ll just leave it alone and sit here and eat soggy flakes.

The lull between post-basketball and pre-football, otherwise known as baseball season is not my favorite span.  I can’t get into it.  I know I have several uncles who are die-hard fans, but I just don’t get it.  Games are too long, the season is too long, everybody is using PED’s and it’s surprising & upsetting every time someone gets caught using them.  Come on football season!!

In case you ever need to know, there are 2,016 gills in 1 hog’s head.  And that does not mean hogs can breathe under water.