Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mid August 2012

August 27, 2012
Here is a dill pickle recipe that I want to some day make:
1 cup cider vinegar
5 cups water
½ cup coarse kosher or sea salt
24 small washed cucumbers
18 fresh dill tops or 3 teaspoons dill seed.
30 whole peppercorns
6 jalapenos or habaneros
Combine vinegar, water & salt in medium saucepan & bring to boil.  Stir to dissolve  salt.  Remove from heat and let cool for 15-20 minutes.  Divide cucumbers among 6 clean sterilized jars & place one pepper in each jar also.  Add 3 dill tops on ½ t of dill seed, & 5 peppercorns in each jar.  Pour enough vinegar mixture into each jar to cover the cucumbers.  Seal with lids & place in a simmering hot bath for 10 minutes.  Cool upside down.  Let pickles stand for 6 weeks before serving chilled.  I can’t wait!!!!

Congrats to my cousin Cassie & her husband, Patrick on the healthy arrival of twins.  Cole (boy) & Marlie (girl) were born a few days ago and all are doing well.  As I understand it they are already learning from cousin CJ.  They have a lot to learn, that kid is smart.

Can’t remember a rainy reunion, but looks like this hurricane is going to try to make it a wet weekend at Pinson Mounds.  I guess I’ll sit this one out.  I’ll be missing you all.  I won’t be missing that taco salad though.  Never liked that stuff.

Mid August 2012

August 11, 2012
Pre-season football = smiley me!!!

August 13, 2012
Me and some guys have been talking music lately. And since this song was discussed, and since we just heard it on the radio, tonight’s tune has to be Alice in Chains “Rooster.”  Momma, Meenaw, no need for ya’ll to look into this one, just take my word for it, it’s good stuff.

High knees, sumos, lunges, crunches & Tyson’s all add up to a very uncomfortable “rest” room break.  TMI?  Just keeping it real.

August 17, 2012
I think everyone should agree and say that tomatoes are vegetable & watermelons are fruits.  To think or say otherwise seems idiotic.  Seriously, whoever first said that a watermelon was a vegetable apparently had enough influence & power that people just went with it?  Stupid.

August 25, 2012
Got good news today.  My buddy Bass is better.  Hope he continues to do so.

Haven’t had much to say lately.  I’ve been thinking alot, just not writing it down.  I know, I know.  I can hear Momma now.  I’ve just been figuring things out around here.  High drama, high stress, constant noise.  It’s like I’m hanging around a bunch of convicts or something.  I feel I will one day leave this place an old man.  I’ll only be early 40’s, but I’ll be old.  I won’t be gray-headed though.

Surely I’m not the only one who thinks that Tony Stewart throws like a girl.  That helmet toss display was pathetic.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Early August 2012

August 4, 2012
Seeing Grandaddy in the Independent with all those medals around his neck sure put a smile on my face.  He’ll be 99 this month.  Still lives by himself.  Still bowls a few times a week.  THE patriarch.  An inspiration to many, a hero to many, a positive influence to all who’ve met him.  His wit, his charm, his infectious laugh, his love, his whiskery hugs…… long live the Grandaddy!
Today was a good day.  Good food at the chow hall.  UFC on Fox.  Borrowed a guitar from a neighbor.  Almost normal.

August 6, 2012
I wish I had a mechanical device that greedily gathered up all shrubbery.  Get it?
Today marks six months that I have been locked up. 1/16 of my time gone, 15/16 to go.  It’s actually going by pretty quickly.  It’s something that is a learning experience, and as the time goes by, I hope I continue to learn.  Hopefully, I will lose more bad habits than I pick up.

Roy made fun of my beard tonight.  He came to visit with Mom & Dad, and I haven’t shaved or trimmed my beard in 5 months.  Jealousy is the word he should have been searching for.

August 7, 2012
I think it’s interesting that my buddy that lets me borrow his guitar is tone deaf.  He seems to have perfect pitch when it comes to tuning the guitar, and I mean seriously anal about it being in tune.  But when he opens his mouth to sing, WOW, absolute rubbish.  Couldn’t carry a tune if his life depended on it.  How is this possible?

August 9, 2012
For those of you that didn’t get it, it was a bush-hog.  Strangely named things are funny sometimes.

August 10, 2012
I love Sudoku.  I’m not afraid to admit it.  But today I discovered Kakuro.  I think I will have a love/hate relationship with it.  It’s very different.  I’m sure it will grow on me.

I know by the time you read this it will be over, but John Wayne is on AMC this weekend.  I’m still getting in the last few drops of Olympic goodness, but it’s good to have a designated channel to hop to during commercial breaks.