August 27,
Here is a
dill pickle recipe that I want to some day make:
1 cup cider
5 cups water
½ cup coarse
kosher or sea salt
24 small
washed cucumbers
18 fresh
dill tops or 3 teaspoons dill seed.
30 whole
6 jalapenos
or habaneros
vinegar, water & salt in medium saucepan & bring to boil. Stir to dissolve salt.
Remove from heat and let cool for 15-20 minutes. Divide cucumbers among 6 clean sterilized
jars & place one pepper in each jar also.
Add 3 dill tops on ½ t of dill seed, & 5 peppercorns in each
jar. Pour enough vinegar mixture into
each jar to cover the cucumbers. Seal
with lids & place in a simmering hot bath for 10 minutes. Cool upside down. Let pickles stand for 6 weeks before serving
chilled. I can’t wait!!!!
Congrats to
my cousin Cassie & her husband, Patrick on the healthy arrival of
twins. Cole (boy) & Marlie (girl)
were born a few days ago and all are doing well. As I understand it they are already learning from
cousin CJ. They have a lot to learn, that
kid is smart.
remember a rainy reunion, but looks like this hurricane is going to try to make
it a wet weekend at Pinson Mounds. I
guess I’ll sit this one out. I’ll be
missing you all. I won’t be missing that
taco salad though. Never liked that